Industrial & Engineering Plastic Sheets and Shapes
Industrial and Engineering Plastic Sheets, Sheeting and Shapes is the section where you will find a wide variety of industrial grade plastic sheet and shape materials used in Industry. They are available, for the most part, in Sheet, Rod, Tube and Profile form. We have listed the most common items on our shelves, and there is a wide variety of material and sizes that we can order up from the factory for you and quickly turnaround.
Precision Cut to Size Service of Plastic Sheets available!
Tip: To help find your specific material, you can use the SEARCH function as we usually use the generic name for the materials where multiple brand names exist.
(Please fax or call for large quantity quotes or for machining of materials to your prints)
We have a large stock of Architectural and Engineering Plastic Sheets and Plastic Materials.
Choose from a wide selection of ABS Plastic Sheets, Acrylic plastic sheets, Acrylite, Acetal, KYDEX® Thermoplastic Sheet, Lexguard and Hygard Bullet Resistant Plastic Sheet, Delrin, FRP sheet, Fiberglass Grate, Sheet, Structural FRP Shapes, Lexan®, Lexguard®, Plastic Mirror, Micarta Industrial Laminates (X, CE, LE, G10, FR4), Clear Polyester rolls & sheets, Nylon, polycarbonate, Polypropylene, Polyethylene, Styrene sheet, PTFE sheets, UHMW Sheet, Rod, Shapes, abrasion-resistant sheet, anti-static, and hundreds more.